Allium ‘Purple Sensation’ were already established through the lower beds creating a speckled, purple haze that hovered through the garden from mid May. Creeping into this planting and beyond we have introduced Allium Atropurpureum, to add a darker hue. They will link the new boardwalk planting with the established areas of the garden with a slight variation in form, not to jar the eye, but to thread through a subtle contrast.
Making a more dramatic appearance will be Allium ‘Red Mohican’ amongst the grasses in the decking terrace. Its soaring form, with tufty earth-red flowers will grow through the Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea ‘Karl Foerster’ like rusty baubles. The Allium seed heads remaining to accompany the grasses as they flower later in the season.
The gravel bed, with its transparent veil of planting needs a more delicate partnership. Species tulips will create patches and colonies of delicate colour weaving in between the new growth of Eryingium ‘Ebracteacum’ and Stipa barbata. Tulipa Saxatalis will create pastel ribbons of colour from the balcony above, but from the adjacent swing seat, the delicate pared petals will reach open in the sun, to reveal their stamen and egg-yellow centre within.
Next year there are plans to extend the season further with Autumn Crocus and early spring bulbs. For now, the parcels in the ground lie dormant and we all quietly wait for the bulbs to emerge and for the delight to begin.