What's In A Name?
Of course it’s perfectly fine to call swing seats ‘swing hammocks’ or asomething similar – but since the start of Sitting Spiritually in 2004 we’ve always called them ‘swing seats’ so it’s kind of stuck, but nowadays we are noticing so many more different names springing up for them, especially online.
All of them essentially provide the same thing, that is a “seat” that swings and is the perfect place to relax and unwind. On another blog we have looked at the health & sleep benefits of swing seats, read this here.
The one from the list above that does differ though is the Hammock. A hammock (from Spanish hamaca) is a sling made of fabric, rope, or netting, suspended between two or more points. A Hammock is really more for solo use, unless of course you are particularly intimate with the person you want to share it with!
A Hammock may not give you the same sense of stability that a traditional swing seat does, even if that sounds like a contradiction in terms as you want both to swing and sway in a relaxing way. And certainly it won’t be as easy or comfortable to get in and out of, or on, nor provide the solid comforting feeling that a wooden swing seat does.